777 days of me...wow that is a LOT to commit to, but COMMITMENT is where I want to start. I by no means am a writer, I'm that girl whose emails, text messages, and facebook post read as rude, mean, and impolite - meanwhile my reaction was "that's NOT what I meant". The messages I wanted to convey were never clearly there, they were simple shortened modifications of what was really going on and did not contain full disclosure. I'm hoping I can learn to clearly communicate my thoughts here as a safe haven with as MUCH disclosure as possible and discuss the matters and issues I need to get off my chest. I'm hoping that along the way that I can be ME as I see myself, the cute quirky smart funny sassy sincere honest person that I know in ME. Yes, its all a about ME, that's what I've read because if it doesn't start here with ME then I would have nothing to share or nothing to give, so my journey today starts with ME.
I'm not ready to give you the complete disclosure of ME, but I will say that today I struggle with codependency, as does my husband. I've been praying and thinking how my life needs change how we both need to break free of this path. I've been waiting for him to jump on board for some time now, which I really need to face may not ever happen, but I will PRAY EVERYDAY, I know that God is GOOD and he does answer prayers and so I will not loose faith, but the time has come for me to make my own choices and move forward with ME and so 777 of ME is created. This is MY path to HEALING ME for ALL of US.
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