Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday Thinking

As soon as I got home from work today, I grabbed a few extremely short moments with the kids and grabbed a beer and sat down to THINK.  Now lucky me is able to do this b/c my husband said he'll wash the dishes, not to mention that he grabbed dinner and the kids too.  Yeah he can be really awesome sometimes this I know.  I thought well, I'll be my own therapist for now, I could sit here for hours and ponder the WHY?!?!??? 
WHY??  WHY am I SO cranky?  Well, I didn't get enough sleep? hmmm maybe because I didn't go to sleep earlier? and why? because I didn't want to go to sleep? and why? I don't know, because I'm not making wise decisions? why? because I'm reckless? and why?   its just sleep?  jeez it affects SO much, I could keep going.  BUT thankfully this little voice that just hopped out of bed said " Hey mama how was your day?" They always find a way to break my thinking.  She then proceeds to tell me all of the colors she's wearing.  Thank God for these little people in my life, I've been blessed, this I know.  So in the interest that bad habits need to break somehow, I think I need to just go to sleep now and I just promised this little person they could come sleep with me.  Good Night!! 

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